Hi you lovely people!
I'm back! :) I had a mahoosive break due to school and lots of arrangements for a new job, but I am back and ready to start blogging again.
I don't know how you girls are, but I'm touching my hair all the time and because of that my hair gets greasy pretty much on the same day that I've washed it, so dry shampoos are a must for me. I decided to tell you about 3 dry shampoos that I've tried so far and are making my life a bit easier when it comes to hair :).
Balea Trend It Up - Lovely Berries (Limited Edition)
This dry shampoo smells amazing, literally, I want to eat it, that's how good it smells, but unfortunately when you spray it, it turns out very grey and since my hair is on the darker side, this one is not the best option for me. Don't get me wrong, it does the job, but I would only recommend it to girls with blond hair. It's also really affordable - less than 3 €, which is great in my books :).
Lee Stafford Dry Shampoo (Mid Brown)
This one is my favourite out of these three, but why the heck does it have to be so expensive? It costs aroud 10 €, but I think it's worth it. This is actually my 3rd bottle of it and that says a lot about how much I like it. I especially like it, because it comes out brown and not grey like a lot of other dry shampoos, so it blends with my hair colour nicely. I'm now trying the Dark version of it and I think I like it even more :). Girls, if you ever get tempted by this little guy, just buy it, you won't regret it.
Dove Refresh + Care Dry Shampoo
After reading a lot about this dry shampoo I finally found it when I was in Budapest and ofcourse I had to buy it, even though it was aroudn 6 € and I didn't really need a new dry shampoo. I have to admit that I kinda have a love/hate relationship with this one. I like the way it looks on my hair, but it has a really strong smell and I've actually gotten a headache because of it quite a few times. I will try to finish this bottle, but I don't think I'll be buying this one again.
I would love to know which dry shampoos you like, so please share your picks with me :).
Have a lovely day!
Love, T. ♡
Lee Stafford Dry Shampoo je edini, ki mi ustreza. Ravno zato, ker ga imajo posebno za temne lase. Po katerem koli drugem, ki sem ga uporabljala do sedaj je vedno izpadlo, kot da imam prhljaj. Tako, da raje dam malo več in nimam problema s tem :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiAnja's Beauty World
Se strinjam, tako žal izdpade pri tem od Baleje. Je pa Lee Stafford res vreden vsakega centa :).
IzbrišiMorem probat tega Lee Stafford. Sem uporabljala enega od syosa samo se mi zdi, da mi jenkr razžrlo mal lasišče:-(
Ja nujno sprobaj tega, ti bo pomoje ful všeč :). Drugače sem tudi jst že imela enega od Sayosa, pa mi sploh ni bil všeč.
IzbrišiJaz uporabljam tistega od Schaume, ampak potem zgledam siva. Si pa potem še malo s fenom popiham in za prvo sile je dobro :D Moram nujno sprobat tega od Lee, čeprav je dokaj drag.
OdgovoriIzbrišiTega od Shaume še nisem imela in tudi mislim, da Lee Stafford suhega šampona ne zamenjam več :).
Izbrišilovely post :) a fan from England ! where is your followers button so I can follow you ? Would appreciate it if you followed too ! xx
Thank you lovely! You can follow me on Bloglovin https://www.bloglovin.com/blog/12074799 :).
IzbrišiYou blog looks really nice, I'm defenately following you :) xoxo