Hi you lovely people!
I know I've been kind of M.I.A. from my blog and I apologize for that! :)...Today's post is going to be a little bit different. I've been nominated for Liebster Award!
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It's an award that goes around for quite some time now and it's presented to blogs with less that 200 folowers. It's a nice opportunity for other bloggers and readers to descover your blog. I've been nominated by the lovely Jacqueline and Dominique and I think you should all read their pretty blogs :).
The rules of the award are: you have to write 11 random facts about you, answer 11 questions written by the blogger who nominated you, choose 11 bloggers for the award, write a set of 11 questions for them and let them know they've been nominated.
Let's hit it off with 11 random facts about me :).
- I love cats.
- I'm from a small country called Slovenia.
- I use to bite my nails. (Disgusting, I know!)
- I was a part of Erasmus exchange in Spain. Best five months of my life so far. :)
- I study tourism, but I don't realy like it anymore.
- Obsessed with nail polish! :)
- I want to travel the world.
- I don't like running, so whenever I go for a run, I literally have to force myself.
- I'm such a foodie.
- But unfortunately I'm lactose and gluten intolerant.
- I've known my closest friends since primary school.
Here are the questions, with my answers, Jacqueline wrote for bloggers she nominated:
What are your top 3 makeup products?
a doubt my Everyday Minerals foundation, Essence I Love Extreme
Mascara and Naked 2 palette.
Flats of heels?
Flats for everyday but defenately heels for special occasions.
Flats for everyday but defenately heels for special occasions.
3. If
you could only wear one pair of shoes for the rest of your life, what
would they be?
White All stars (I think they go with almost every outfit).
White All stars (I think they go with almost every outfit).
What is your favourite makeup brand?
That's a tough one for me, but I would have to say Maybelline.
That's a tough one for me, but I would have to say Maybelline.
What is one clothing store you cannot live without?
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would that be?
is going to sound really weird, because I've never been there, but I
would love to live in London. I blame Tanya Burr and other
YouTubers for that! :)
Which item is the biggest waste of money in your closet?
T-shirt from Calvin Klein that I bought in outlet in Italy just
because I didn't find anything else that day and I've never
wore it. (I sound so spoiled right now :( )
What is your all-time favourite movie?
Notebook. ♡
If you had $1000 to spend, would you rather buy clother of makeup?
Honestly, I would probably split it and use half for clothes and half for makeup. :)
Honestly, I would probably split it and use half for clothes and half for makeup. :)
What is your favourite perfume?
DKNY Pure. It smels amazing!
DKNY Pure. It smels amazing!
What is one advice you would give to your 12-year-old self?
waste your time trying to impress others and just do what you love!
And here are the questions, with my answers, Dominique wrote for her nominees:
1. What fashion trend did you hate?
I really didn't like tights as pants trend.
2. What are you most looking forward to this season?
Seeing the nature coming back to life and going for walks with friends and family.
3. What cosmetic could you not live without?
Mineral foundation, for sure! :)
4. What's your secret to perfect hair?
To be honest, I'm really lazy when it comes to my hair. The only thing I do is shampoo, conditioner and Argan oil. The only other thing that helps and I can think of right now is not dyeing it :).
To be honest, I'm really lazy when it comes to my hair. The only thing I do is shampoo, conditioner and Argan oil. The only other thing that helps and I can think of right now is not dyeing it :).
5. Best nail varnish colour?
Baby pink (Essie - Fiji is the best one :) )
6. What's your staple piece in your wardrobe?
Black leather jacket.
7. In one word, what best describes your style?
8. Heels or flats?
Flats for everyday but defenately heels for special occasions.
9. Which season is your favourite?
Spring, because I my birthday is in April :).
10. What trend are you most loving?
I love pastel colors.
Chanel. ♡
Lovely bloggers I would like to nominate:
♡ My questions:
1. How did you decide on your name for your blog?
2. What is your favourite makeup product right now?
3. Which liquid foundation would you recommed me? (I have normal to oily skin and I'm searching for a good liquid base ^.^)
4. Where would you like to travel if you had money and time?
5. What is your favourite quote?
6. Do you have any style icons? If so, who?
7. Your favourite TV show?
8. Your favourite book?
9. What's your favourite facial feature you like to enhance with makeup?
10. If you could only use one makeup item for the rest of your life, what would it be?
11. Your favourite drugstore beauty product?
That's all for today lovelies. And thanks again to Jacqueline and Dominique for nominating me :).
Love, T. ♡
Hi Love! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiI posted my Liebster Award!
Stay fancy!
xxx Kelly-Louise
Hi lovely! Can't wait to read your post :) xoxo